The Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies is published each year in March, and is an invaluable record – provided by SPBS members – of activities over the previous year. Recent issues of BBBS are available to download below, as PDFs.
Please note that the most recent BBBS will only appear on this website subsequent to the year of paper publication. There may also be differences in pagination between the printed and electronic copies.
Issues before 2006 are also available but in most cases these have had to be scanned from surviving printed copies, so quality may vary.
BBBS 31 (2005)BBBS 30 (2004)BBBS 29 (2003)BBBS 28 (2002)BBBS 27 (2001)BBBS 26 (2000)BBBS 25 (1999)BBBS 24 (1998)BBBS 23 (1997)BBBS 22 (1996)BBBS 21 (1995)BBBS 20 (1994)BBBS 19 (1993)BBBS 18 (1992)BBBS 17 (1991)BBBS 16 (1990)BBBS 15 (1989)BBBS 14 (1988)BBBS 13 (1987)BBBS 12 (1986)BBBS 11 (1985)BBBS 10 (1984)BBBS 9 (1983)BBBS 8 (1982)BBBS 7 (1981)BBBS 6 (1980)BBBS 5 (1979)BBBS 4 (1978)BBBS 3 (1977)BBBS 2 (1976)BBBS 1 (1975)
Members wishing to contribute to the Bulletin are advised to read the guidelines first. The annual deadline is 31 December.